Exploring the Potency of our Dream Life

4- Week Live Online Dream Exploration Series

Summer Dream Series 2024

Dates Coming Soon

Because our dream realm is intimate and personal, I hold smaller spaces for my dream series groups

Space is Limited

Included with Series

Mini-Online Dream Course


Amanita Muscaria

6 week supply

(Microdosing optional & not required)

Dream Exploration

Have you ever woken up from a dream feeling puzzled by its meaning or intrigued by its vividness? Dreams have long fascinated humanity, serving as windows into the subconscious mind. In this series, we will embark on a journey to explore the realm of dreams and delve into the art of dream interpretation. By understanding the symbols, emotions, and narratives presented in our dreams, we can gain valuable insights into our inner thoughts and feelings.

Dream exploration allows us to uncover hidden truths, emotional clutter, confront unresolved issues, and tap into our creativity& intuition in ways that transcend waking life.

This course is designed to empower you in your dream exploration practice with your connection with dreams, learning to access inner guidance, internal answers and wisdom. (Each session will be recorded and made available for a later viewing.)

~ Course Summary ~

Week 1 - Dream Incubation, Manifestation & Microdosing Amanita Muscaria

Week 2 - Liminal Dream Spaces, Creativity & Dream Decoding

Week 3 - Working with Dreams for Self-Discovery & Integrating Dreams & activating Imagination.

Week 4 - Dreaming Ahead of Time, Dream Interpretation & open circle for exploring curiosities.

Each week we will allow time for Q & A

In addition you will receive -

  • 6 week supply of Amanita Muscaria for Microdosing (this is an optional choice & not required for this course

  • Free online dream course (helpful to explore before course)

  • Dream Decoding Templates

  • Guided meditations

  • Videos & PDFs with informational content and independent work

  • Access to me for question via email & signal

By the end of the series, you will be recalling and interpreting your own dreams for personal development and creating your own platform for self exploration.

Amanita Muscaria

During this Series you will have the option to micro-dose with Amanita Muscaria. This is an individual & personal choice as an accompaniment alongside this course and not required. If you feel called a 30-day supply of Amanita will be included in the offered price. Part of this course will include info around the spirit of Amanita and micro-dosing.

Consider Amanita a baseline/foundation for healing and supporting the nervous system and soul. Amanita can be taken in conjunction with other Micro-dosing medicines and synergizes well with all of them.

I strongly believe that micro-dosing is the safest way to experience Amanita Muscaria. I have been Micro-dosing with Amanita for several months and working with my dreams. My results have been amazing sleep, vivid dreams and increased dream recall.

Amanita Info & Lineage

Amanita Muscaria is the oldest entheogenic mushroom known to humans. It is called the Divine Mushroom of Immortality. Consumption of Amanita dates back 50,000 years ago, and is seen in Aboriginal cave paintings in Australia and throughout the world. It was revered as a sacred sacrament in Biblical times (also known as “Soma”) and has been found throughout history in all regions on Earth.

Amanita works with the GABA receptors. GABA plays an important role in the healthy functioning of the immune system and endocrine systems. GABA is an important contributor to the body’s overall mental and physical homeostasis. By inhibiting neural activity, GABA facilitates deep sleep, reduces mental and physical stress, along with elongating our REM sleep stage where dreams happen.

The knowledge you gave us about dreaming served to become another gateway to our spiritual evolvement. Along with meditation, the wisdom of spiritualists and the knowledge of scientists, together they fuse to enlighten us with the awareness, “we are not the body,.” It changes the perspective of what is real, the undefinable, and the illusion As a “ student” of dreams I’m only a tyro but motivated to review the notes and keep that bedside notepad. On a personal note it was more than the knowledge you imparted. It came not only from a reservoir of your earthly self but from your spirit, deep within. That flow was the convincer.

Love, Frank

Don't ignore your dreams, in them your soul is awake and you are your true self.”
― Bangambiki Habyarimana

"What an enlightening experience it has been to take part in Lynda's dream series! I hadn't been remembering my dreams much in recent years, but with Lynda's tools, my nightly dream recall improved tremendously. I'd taken some classes before on dream interpretation, but the methods for decoding those symbols were never as straightforward and easy to apply as Lynda's. What a gift it is to discover a communication system with my innermost being! Lynda is a compassionate, knowledgeable guide who made sure everyone's individual needs were addressed. I've used the insights I gleaned from my dreams during this class to understand the dynamics of some uncomfortable situations playing out in my life, and I'm so grateful to have learned this valuable language for interpreting my own soul's wisdom!"

-- Lisa McCourt, author of Free Your Joy and Founder of Joy School

“In her first correspondence with me, Lynda spoke as if an old friend, a dear loved one.  I felt an immediate and deep connection with her.  Lynda leads with her heart and pure, generous spirit.  She connects on the level of the soul.  And it is instantaneous. After getting to know her through our community calls, I eagerly signed up for the 4 week Dream Series, microdosing amanita muscaria along with psilocybin, zooming weekly for guidance and assistance  on this beautiful journey.  As someone who has suffered with chronic insomnia, and as someone who once had a rich dream life, I wanted to recover my ability to dream, to remember and explore the dreams, to find meaning in this magical world of dreams.  During the course I began to dream intensely… so much so that I didn’t know where to begin to decipher the dreams.    I, the incurable insomniac, was sleeping better!  I, the incurable insomniac, was finding peace and serenity and creativity in the ‘hypnogogic' state - just before falling asleep.  Being calm, open and aware in this state actually allowed me to relax and drift into sleep.  Sleep!  The holy grail!  The state of stillness, rest - practically unattainable for me. So while I did not excel in dream interpretation this go-round, I accomplished something more beneficial to my overall health - the ability to sleep.  And as an artist, the ability to float, explore and “dream” in the hypnogogic state is a godsend.”
