
“In her first correspondence with me, Lynda spoke as if an old friend, a dear loved one.  I felt an immediate and deep connection with her.  Lynda leads with her heart and pure, generous spirit.  She connects on the level of the soul.  And it is instantaneous. After getting to know her through our community calls, I eagerly signed up for the 4 week Dream Series, microdosing amanita muscaria along with psilocybin, zooming weekly for guidance and assistance  on this beautiful journey.  As someone who has suffered with chronic insomnia, and as someone who once had a rich dream life, I wanted to recover my ability to dream, to remember and explore the dreams, to find meaning in this magical world of dreams.  During the course I began to dream intensely… so much so that I didn’t know where to begin to decipher the dreams.    I, the incurable insomniac, was sleeping better!  I, the incurable insomniac, was finding peace and serenity and creativity in the ‘hypnogogic' state - just before falling asleep.  Being calm, open and aware in this state actually allowed me to relax and drift into sleep.  Sleep!  The holy grail!  The state of stillness, rest - practically unattainable for me. So while I did not excel in dream interpretation this go-round, I accomplished something more beneficial to my overall health - the ability to sleep.  And as an artist, the ability to float, explore and “dream” in the hypnogogic state is a godsend.”


“I have been seeing Lynda for over a year now, and I have noticed that with her help, I’ve taken on a new perspective on life. She  is very welcoming, supportive and so loving. Opening up to her in regards to my traumas, fears and concerns was something that felt so easy. Working with Lynda has helped me heal myself to become the parent I needed when I was younger.”


Lynda uses her natural intuitive gifts and her love for the inherent wisdom in plant medicine to assist clients in reaching goals. I have been working with Lynda for about 6 months and it’s been an incredible journey into self. If you are in need of some guidance in these turbulent and rapidly changing times and are willing to do the work than you are in the right place with the right person. If you are sensitive or an empath you will be able to feel the love and nurturing Lynda provides —that goes beyond the zoom sessions. I feel like Lynda places each client safely under her protective wings!”

-Tricia L. Kirkland WA

"In the 21 days since beginning Lynda's daily meditation, I've experienced profound shifts in my energetic and physical healing.  Within days I could feel the energy along my spine realigning, as well as a physical detoxification response... with denser energies being pulled from organs into my conscious awareness for release. Stored memories - reminders and evidence of old, limiting programming - surfaced to explore and release.

The meditation became part of my nightly ritual and a beautiful complement to my other spiritual practices of prayer, microdosing with sacred earth medicines, yoga and nature connection.

I highly recommend Lynda's meditation series for individuals seeking physical purification and cleansing as well as deep healing on emotional, spiritual and ancestral planes.  Her gift of channeling assists the clearing and repatterning of energy on a soul level, leaving you lighter and brighter on all levels.  Thank you Lynda!”

Kayse Gehret, Founder, Microdosing for Healing

I need a spiritual thesaurus!  I was introduced to Lynda before ever seeing her face on our community microdosing community calls.  I felt the need for some kind of assistance n my contemplative work, some sort of semi-guided meditation or anything unusual to help me slow down and access my inner guidance and spirit.  Kayse Gehret connected me to Lynda and Lynda sent me (free of charge!) a “light language” meditation, paired with breathwork.  A miracle!  It was exactly what I needed - not “words” that I understood, words that could engage my busy mind, but energy language that spoke directly to the core of my own creative vibration, the breath of my heart.

I knew nothing about Light Language or Lynda’s sound healing work.  Therefore, my experience was not influenced by a testimonial or a description.  The Light Language mediation is a transmission of energy that, rather than engaging my overactive mind, encouraged me to simply “allow.” To relax, breathe into my heart and feel peace as the frequencies moved through me.  Her voice is full of tenderness and emotion.  The language resonates on the level of spirit.  For me, it was magic.


“I reached my 21 day light language mark and wanted to give you some feedback. It has brought such a deep level of healing and heart expansion to me and I am very grateful ♥️ I remember the first time I listened to it I could literally feel energetic shifts taking place in my heart space! I loved creating a morning ritual with the light language- I would take my microdose and then do a Qigong sequence while I listened to the light language. I placed the audio behind me and would picture the back of my heart opening and green healing, loving light flowing in from the Angels and moving throughout my body. Some times I would do automatic writing afterwards because I felt such a sense of openness and inspiration. I had also listened to the language as I was falling asleep but for me I was more aware of it making a difference when I started my day with it’s magic.

I am so glad you decided to incorporate it into your work! Thank you for connecting me with Angelic Beings 😇 xoxo”


The knowledge you gave us about dreaming served to become another gateway to our spiritual evolvement. Along with meditation, the wisdom of spiritualists and the knowledge of scientists, together they fuse to enlighten us with the awareness, “we are not the body,.” It changes the perspective of what is real, the undefinable, and the illusion As a “ student” of dreams I’m only a tyro but motivated to review the notes and keep that bedside notepad. On a personal note it was more than the knowledge you imparted. It came not only from a reservoir of your earthly self but from your spirit, deep within. That flow was the convincer.

Love, Frank

"What an enlightening experience it has been to take part in Lynda's dream series! I hadn't been remembering my dreams much in recent years, but with Lynda's tools, my nightly dream recall improved tremendously. I'd taken some classes before on dream interpretation, but the methods for decoding those symbols were never as straightforward and easy to apply as Lynda's. What a gift it is to discover a communication system with my innermost being! Lynda is a compassionate, knowledgeable guide who made sure everyone's individual needs were addressed. I've used the insights I gleaned from my dreams during this class to understand the dynamics of some uncomfortable situations playing out in my life, and I'm so grateful to have learned this valuable language for interpreting my own soul's wisdom!"

-- Lisa McCourt, author of Free Your Joy and Founder of Joy School

Thank you so much for creating this Dream Series with Amanita! You are a Brilliant shining light! There are so many things I enjoyed about participating. I love how you helped us set up our dream space and create a night time ritual, including the light language meditations! You voice is so comforting and Magical and I really loved your guided meditations during the course as well, introducing us to Amanita and our Spirit Animals. Amanita is such a beautiful and powerful Ally and I am so grateful for the introduction and opportunity to work with her. All of the tips to help facilitate dream recall and interpretation that you gave in the course gave a good foundation and platform for working with our dreams and beyond. I also really enjoyed the way you introduced everyone to the concepts of the hypnogogic and hypnopompic states (that could be another fun series in itself!) I look forward to continuing my dream work as this course has helped me to gain more awareness of how much I am dreaming every night. Additionally, I am even more excited to continue working with Amanita, as she has so much more to offer on so many other levels in addition to the sleep and dream space. Thank you Lynda, again for sharing your knowledge and your amazing energy with us, and Thank you to everyone in the group who participated with me in this experience. I would highly recommend this course!


Before taking Lynda’s dream course I rarely remembered my dreams, and I didn’t think that would ever change. But within days of putting Lynda’s suggested practices into place, my dream life and recall were alive like never before. Lynda’s dream course was packed with tools and practices that gave me immediate access to dreams, and I came away from it with a whole new level of appreciation for the dream state. Thanks so much!Linda's dream course brought so much light to the powerful portal of dreams. It’s packed with so many accessible and powerful tools and practices. I highly recommend it to anyone interested in deepening their engagement with the dream world. So insightful and fun! I had so much fun in Lynda’s class and came away with a whole new level of appreciation for the dream world. Now I have a strong ability to actively access my dreams, interpret them and even begin to shape them. Loved it!
